Home Soup & Stew Turkey Meatballs & Kale In Lemony Garlic Broth (Paleo, Whole30)

Turkey Meatballs & Kale In Lemony Garlic Broth (Paleo, Whole30)

by Chris Carlton

This tremendous nourishing soup of turkey meatballs and kale braised in lemony garlic broth is filled with flavour and makes for a fantastic consolation dish that’s nonetheless very wholesome. You get the advantages of antioxidant-packed kale, rooster broth and protein-rich turkey or rooster meat, plus all these stunning notes of citrus and garlic. I made this dish for my Paleo reset program and it’s develop into a crowd-favourite, so I’m sharing it on the weblog as properly.  It’s paleo, gluten-free, Whole30 and keto-friendly. 

Turkey Meatballs & Kale In Lemon Garlic Broth

I really like making this soup after I really feel like one thing nourishing and heat. It’s nice for once you’re feeling below the climate or coming down with a chilly because it’s stuffed with vitamins, Vitamin C and therapeutic broth. In my true type, I made positive it’s additionally filled with flavour and on this case you get a lot of umami, citrus and garlic.


There are two elements to creating this pretty turkey meatball soup dish. First, you make the meatballs and you need to use floor turkey, rooster or pork. Fish will also be floor up into mince and can work properly on this recipe. The meatballs are partially pan-fried earlier than you add them to the soup. 

Making turkey meatballs


The soup base may be very straightforward to make and I used just a few spices, citrus and garlic to provide it plenty of flavour. The addition of fish sauce offers the broth saltiness and that pretty umami flavour however you possibly can all the time use somewhat additional salt as an alternative. 

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I used kale however any leafy greens with work. You would possibly like so as to add some collard greens or Chinese language greens like bok choy or broccoli, Swiss chard and so forth. To be sincere, you possibly can add as many alternative veggies as you want. Add starchy roots earlier to allow them to prepare dinner and leafy, fibrous ones in the direction of the tip. I typically use kale in soups, like this rooster tortilla one.

Dietary modifications: This soup has just a few starchy greens, so for those who’re following a low-carb or keto food plan, change the carrots and potatoes with zucchini and/or broccoli. You would possibly wish to maintain some carrots. You may also use rather less leek. White potatoes could be swapped for candy potatoes or parsnips. 

Turkey Meatballs & Vegetables In Garlic Lemon Broth


You may make the meatballs forward of time. You’ll be able to pan-fry them or maintain them uncooked within the fridge for 2-3 days or freeze for as much as 3 months. Defrost within the fridge in a single day earlier than utilizing as per recipe directions. I additionally love maintaining some do-it-yourself rooster broth within the freezer or fridge however you can even use store-bought broth. 

Pre-chopping the kale and leeks and peeling garlic may also prevent a while. You’ll be able to retailer these in an hermetic container in or Ziploc luggage within the fridge for 2-3 days earlier than utilizing. Use the potatoes when wanted, although. 

Extra make-ahead pleasant recipes right here. 


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  • When you’ve got a meals processor, place leek, parsley, mint, thyme, garlic and lime zest inside with an S-blade hooked up. Blitz just a few instances, till the components are finely floor up. Alternatively, chop every part very finely utilizing a knife. Switch to a big mixing bowl along with the turkey or rooster mince, salt and pepper. Combine very well, till properly included.
  • Warmth coconut or olive oil in a big skillet over medium-high warmth. Roll the combination into small meatballs; about 25 g / 1 oz every, smaller than a ping pong ball. Fry the meatballs for 7-8 minutes, turning them all through so that they go golden brown on all sides.
  • Within the meantime, add the olive oil, the opposite a part of the leek, lemon peels, carrot and potatoes to a medium saucepan. Sauté for a couple of minutes, then add the garlic, cumin, star anise, rooster inventory and fish sauce. Season with some salt and pepper and produce to a boil. Add the meatballs and prepare dinner over medium warmth, lined, for 3-4 minutes.
  • Put together the kale and add to the soup, stir by and prepare dinner for an additional 5 minutes, lined. Check the potato and as soon as smooth, take away from the warmth and add the lime and lemon juice. Stir and style for salt. Let it sit for five minutes off the warmth earlier than serving.
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For those who don’t have limes, change with lemon the place said.

Meat: Turkey, rooster or pork mince can be utilized on this recipe. Even fish would work very well with the flavours of the soup. For those who can’t discover ground-up rooster or turkey mince, get some thighs (pores and skin and bone off) and grind it up utilizing a meals processor.
Herbs: Different herbs like sage and oregano can be utilized as an alternative of thyme; coriander and basil would work properly as an alternative of parsley.
AIP: Omit the chilli and use parsnip or candy potato as an alternative of white potato.


  • Serving Dimension: 1.5 cups broth with 3-4 meatballs and veggies
  • Energy: 497
  • Sugar: 7.7 g
  • Sodium: 1775.1 mg
  • Fats: 24.8 g
  • Saturated Fats: 5.4 g
  • Carbohydrates: 33 g
  • Fiber: 4.6 g
  • Protein: 37.9 g
  • Ldl cholesterol: 118.2 mg




Turkey Meatball Soup With Kale & Lemon Garlic Broth


Turkey Meatball Soup With Kale & Lemon Garlic Broth

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